The Role Posture Plays in Our Daily Lives – Min's
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The Role Posture Plays in Our Daily Lives

The Role Posture Plays in Our Daily Lives | Min's

Posture is closely related to our life. Just as breathing is something we do organically, our daily posture habits can greatly affect our health and well-being. Indeed, our posture can even affect our long-term health. We all have a lover nagging us to stop slouching or sitting up straight, right? Well, it turns out that standing properly is more than just looking confident, which by the way is another positive benefit of good posture!

Good posture can relieve back pain, stimulate muscle activity, prevent muscle strain, and reduce shock and stress on bones, joints, and ligaments. Bottom line? Good posture is extremely important to your overall health.

Why is good posture so important?
When relaxing after a long day, why not slack off? Posture affects multiple aspects of overall health, for better or worse. In addition to the general youthful and slim look that good posture can provide, it also helps prevent back, neck and shoulder pain. When your body isn't aligned properly, it can create extra stress in areas that can't support your weight.

Imagine holding a bowling ball directly in front of you with one arm. How long can you hold your arms before the weight of the bowling ball starts to tire you out? A forward-leaning, overbalanced head can put pressure on the neck in a similar way, leading to muscle tightness, stiffness, and chronic pain.

Posture affects more than just visible physical health. Upright posture allows better flow of oxygen into and through your body, which improves the function of every organ, including the brain. While poor posture has been linked to a variety of issues, including low confidence and increased depression, upright posture can lift your mood and support positive mental health. Simply standing or sitting up straight may be the best gift you can give your body.

What is good posture?
Posture involves alignment of the spine and neck. Essentially, this is how we stand, sit or lie down. That's right - you can also maintain good posture while sleeping! Good posture isn't just about sitting up straight. It has to do with muscle tension and gravity. Simply put, we use muscle tension to keep our body in an upright position so that the weight of gravity doesn't make us fall to the ground. Improving our posture requires focusing our attention on our body. Some postural muscles of the body automatically help us stand or sit upright; however, others require a little coercion. Alignment doesn't just equate to good posture - it also helps create balance and fluidity.

What does good posture look like?
Most people think that correct posture is when you stand with your pelvis tilted back or forward exaggeratedly. They may stretch their neck forward or straighten their neck excessively, which can cause serious injury. As a rule of thumb, your pelvis should be in line with your ribcage, and your head should balance comfortably on your spine. The key is to avoid pulling or pushing your body in any direction that doesn't feel natural. Doing so can hurt your posture and breathing, and make you look and feel uncomfortable.

To check if you're doing it right, stand with your back against a wall with your abs in and your head facing forward. If the back of your head and shoulder blades touch the wall, you've got this!

When you see someone with great posture, you know it right away. Take professional singers for example. One of the first things you need to learn as a singer is breathing techniques. While this is an undeniably important aspect of craftsmanship, correct singing posture is just as important. Correct body alignment is the key to optimal breathing and may lead to better singing.

This is basic anatomy. Good posture opens up your chest cavity, giving your lungs the most room to fully expand and take in more oxygen. If you keep your chest elevated and perform deep, diaphragmatic breaths, the air will be released more slowly. That's how the singer can say those long, impressive phrases without getting out of breath.

The way you hold your body can also affect your ability to make sounds. If any part of yours is too tight, you will have trouble hitting certain notes. To release tension, make sure your frame is perfectly aligned, paying special attention to your neck position. Keep it nice and straight, as this allows air to pass unobstructed through the vocal cords. Gently lower your shoulders as if you were trying to keep them as far away from your ears as possible. Let your arms hang loosely at your sides. Remember - your goal is a relaxed and neutral posture, not a stiff and restricted posture.

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